Grady County Forestry Pageant

Teen/Miss Application

Baby-Junior Application
Rules and Regulations
Teen/Miss Application

GRADY County Forestry Pageant

A Preliminary to the 72nd Annual Georgia Forestry Pageant

Pageant Information and Guidelines



The pageant will be held at the Whigham School Auditorium  -   Saturday, March 19, 2011 at 6:00 p.m.

REHEARSAL:   Thursday, March 17 at 5:00 for Baby & Teeny; at 6:00 p.m. for Tiny, Little & Junior; and 7:00 p.m. for Teen/Miss

*Teen and Miss will rehearse an opening number – Rehearsal to be held at Whigham School.



Baby (0-23months)     Teeny (2-3)     Tiny (4-6)     Little (7-9)     Junior (10-12)     Teen (13-16)    Miss (17-24)

You must compete in the age division that you will be as of June 2010

Teeny-Miss will represent Grady County at the Miss Georgia Forestry Pageant in Tifton Ga. in June of 2011.  The Grady County Forestry Pageant will pay the entry fee into the Miss Georgia Forestry Pageant.  State information will be provided to you on the night you are crowned.


Baby -Junior

**Baby through Junior will be following the Miss Georgia Forestry format**


Ø      The walk pattern is a Basic T, a copy of this is attached

Ø      Attire is pageant gown of your choice

Ø      JUDGING CRITERIA: 20% Personality, Beauty, Gown, Poise and Overall Appearance


Teen and Miss

**Teen and Miss will be following the Miss Georgia Forestry Format**


Ø      Will have an interview the day of the pageant

Ø      Will compete in interview wearing an interview suit or dress

o       When entering the interview room, you will immediately give a 1 minute platform speech, and then move onto 4 minutes of Q&A.

Ø      Please arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled time

Ø      An Interview award will be given in each division

Introduction/Opening Number

Ø      Attire: The theme this year is “Tribute to Television.”    Dress like your favorite television star.  This outfit will be for the opening number/introduction. 

Ø      Will have onstage introduction

o       For your introduction you will include your name, contestant number, sponsor AND either your platform or something about forestry.  Total introduction should be no more than 45 sec.



(Teen and Miss continued on next page)






Ø      will compete in an on-stage gown walk

Ø      Attire is pageant gown of choice.

Ø      WALK:  the walk pattern will be the Miss America walk pattern, a copy is attached

Ø      Will answer on-stage questions from the judges

Ø     Judging criteria: 25% Speech, 50% Interview and 25% Stage



A Photographer will be available to take individual pictures of all contestants before the pageant, and will also be available for pictures of queen and her court in each age division and individual pictures of the queens after the pageant.

There will be no videographer this year.  You are welcomed to have someone videotape for you. 


People’s Choice/Miss Hospitality

Ø      You may collect $1 votes prior to the pageant and on pageant day.

Ø      At the pageant, there will be a LOCKED drop box for votes.  You will simply fill out an envelope (which are provided) with the contestant name/number/division/ number of votes and place it in the drop box

Ø      A People’s Choice Award will be given to the contestant with the most votes in their division.

Ø      The contestant with the most overall votes in the entire pageant will be crowned “Miss Grady Hospitality Queen”.  The Hospitality Queen will be invited to ride in parades and participate in all events with the forestry queens.  Miss Hospitality will also qualify to compete in the state pageant only if she collects $250 or more in votes and will be 2 or older before the state pageant in June 2010

Entry Fee:

Entry Fee is $100 and includes:

Ø      Entry into pageant

Ø      All optional categories: Prettiest Dress, Prettiest Hair, Photogenic

Ø      Teen and Miss Interview and Introduction Award

Ø      Scores mailed or emailed to you (will be mailed within 7 days of pageant)



Sister Special:

If you are entering 2 or more siblings, get BOTH entries for $175, if entering 3 siblings contact director for information.


Deadline: The deadline to enter is March 7.  HOWEVER, contestant numbers will be assigned in reverse order.  If you miss the deadline and still want to enter, applications will be accepted until  March 14, with a late fee of $25.  To Have your name submitted to the lineup, you must have everything submitted:

o        $100 entry fee

o        Application

o        MC Sheet

o        Snapshot for program

o        Photogenic picture must be turned in no later than rehearsal

o        Local Contract for Grady Co. Forestry Pageant




Make all checks payable to Lisa Hollingsworth - GCFP

Grady Co. Forestry Pageant

C/O Lisa Hollingsworth

5212 Old 179N

Whigham, GA 39897





Newly Crowned Queens

All queen crowned will need to stay until the end of the pageant for a group photo and a short MANDATORY meeting to receive your Miss Georgia Forestry State information.



NO information will be disclosed about the other contestants or judges; therefore, please do not ask the director who is in your age division and please be sure you have read and understand the pageant guidelines & information.




Local Contract for Grady Forestry Pageant


Contestants and Parent/Guardian agree that the judge’s decisions are final.  The Grady Forestry Pageant will not release the names of the certified judges and/or other contestants until the day of the pageant.  No refunds will be given unless the pageant is canceled.  Contestants agree to hold harmless the local county forestry pageant, the local director, the Georgia Forestry Pageant and Educational Association, Inc. the volunteers, the location of the pageant and its holdings from damages incurred through loss, theft, or injury caused by or during her participation in or to and from the pageant tor any related events. 

I give permission for the local forestry pageants and the Georgia Forestry Pageant and Educational Association Inc. to use my daughter’s picture for publicity.  I understand that in the event that the directorship of my local pageant changes prior to the end of my reign, the director that crowns me, remains responsible for all my prizes and any scholarship money.  The Georgia Forestry Pageant and Educational Association Inc. and the newly elected director will not be responsible for these prizes.  I hereby acknowledge that I have read the official rules and regulations set forth by the local county forestry pageants and that I will comply with them in every way, and that the personal data that I have submitted is true and correct.


I have read and understand the Guidelines and Information for the Grady County Forestry Pageant.  I am aware of the rehearsals, the attire, and the other information that has been provided on pages 1, 2, & 3 of the Guidelines and Information.



Printed name of contestant


Printed name of Parent/Legal Guardian


Signature of Contestant or Parent/Legal Guardian







Grady County Forestry Pageant

A Preliminary to the 72nd Annual Georgia Forestry Pageant

Mistress of Ceremonies SHEET



DIVISION:_______________                                        Contestant #_________________________



Full Name:____________________________________ ____________________________



prefers:____________________________________________      Age:_________________














Make checks payable to: Lisa Hollingsworth - GCFP


Mail Applications to:

Grady County Forestry Pageant

Attn: Lisa Hollingsworth

5212 Old 179N

Whigham, GA 39897

Or email to

229-377-1145 – home

229-327-4369 - cell








Grady County Forestry Pageant

A Preliminary to the 72nd Annual Georgia Forestry Pageant

Teen and Miss Application

Circle Division Above 

Teen (13-16) Miss( 17-24)

*application cannot be over 2 pages*


Full Name:____________________________________ prefers:_______________________


Birthday:__________________ Age on Pageant Date:___________ Age as of  6/2010_________


Sponsor:_______________________________ Parents:_____________________________


Mailing Address:_____________________________________________________________


City:________________________________ State:__________________ Zip:____________


Email:______________________________________ Phone:________________________


School (if applicable):______________________________________________ Grade:______




College: ___________________________________Major:___________________________


Hobbies: __________________________________________________________________





Current Titles (if any): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




TV Show_______________________________ Movie Star:___________________________



Food:__________________________________ Charity:____________________________

Song:__________________________________ Book:_____________________________




Why did you enter this pageant?___________________________________________







What qualifications do you posses to make a good forestry queen?_____________________




Why is the Forestry Unit Important to our Community?____________________________



What is your goal in life?



Contestants agree that the judges’ decisions are final and agree to hold harmless the local county forestry pageant, the local director, the Georgia Forestry Pageant and Educational Association, Inc., The volunteers, the location of the pageant and its holdings from damages incurred through loss, theft, or injury caused by or during her participation or to and from the pageant or any related events.  I hereby acknowledge that I have read the official rules and regulations set forth by the local county forestry pageants and that I will comply with them in every way, and that the personal data that I have submitted is true and correct.  I give permission for the local forestry pageants and the Georgia Forestry Pageant and Educational Association Inc. to use my daughter’s picture for publicity.  I also understand that in the event that the directorship of my local pageant changes prior to the end of my reign, the director that crowns me, remains responsible for all my prizes and any scholarship money.  The Georgia Forestry Pageant and Educational Association Inc. and the newly elected director will not be responsible for these prizes.


Date:__________________________ Parent/Legal Guardian:_________________________________








Make checks payable to: Lisa Hollingsworth-GCFP


Mail Applications to:

Grady County Forestry Pageant

Attn: Lisa Hollingsworth

5212 Old 179N

Whigham, GA 39897

Or email to












Teen and Miss Walk


                                                                                        1 X









                3 X                                                                   2  X                                                   4  X





























1x            pause and walk a large universal circle then walk to 2x


2x            stop and do turn


3x            stop and do turn


4x            stop, answer onstage question, then exit stage